Essay on Childhood Memories


Childhood is the most beautiful and loved phase in human life. Nothing is more beautiful than living a childhood and then remembering every detail of it. That’s why it is often wished that a person can live forever as a child living his childhood.

Adults have the nostalgia for their childhood memories, friends, dreams, etc. The most beautiful part of childhood is that a person is innocent, he does things with a pure heart and he does not think about anything twice. Time flies by living childhood by playing, laughing, and growing. 

In this article, we’ll talk about the memories of childhood in 4 sets of different essays of 150, 250, 350 and 500 words. The essays provided are in easy and simple language for the kids, students, and children to understand and improve their writing skills.

Essay on Childhood Memories 150 Words

Childhood is the best part of human life. I am living my childhood right now. What I love the most about this phase of my life is that my parents don’t scold me for anything and I can play all the time. I have the memories of the time when I was small, I used to play with my elders in my building.

Everybody loves me in my apartment because I am the youngest member. My parents give me everything I want. We all go to our grandparents’ home on every occasion/event. A man’s mind never stops about asking things in their childhood. It’s very curious and willing to explore different things about people and the world.

As kids, we imagine that everything is possible and anything we want has an infinite number of certainties to happen. Childhood is a period of intense muscular and physical growth. This phase shapes our mind and increases our intellectual skills. I love my childhood. 

Essay on Childhood Memories
Image: Essay on Childhood Memories

Essay on Childhood Memories 250 Words

Childhood is a period of growth and entertainment. Adults and the old aged people have so many memories related to their childhood. During the childhood phase, a person experiences physical and intellectual growth. It results in the better growth of the overall performance of the person in life. This phase shapes our mind and increases our intellectual skills.

A person can live freely and carefree only in his childhood because he has a sense of freedom and he knows that his parents are there for him if something goes wrong. I miss my childhood. I didn’t realise the most important part of my life was going away while I was growing up. Now I pass my time in school studying and after getting home completing the homework.

The time period of childhood is short lived, a person cannot live that phase for a long time because as we grow up we carry certain responsibilities with us that we need to look upon. Growth is essential for living but so is living to the fullest.


Childhood is the best time where an individual can enjoy freely and create memories that he will remember forever. That’s why it is often said that “Childhood means simplicity. Look at the world with the child’s eye – it is very beautiful.” There are many memories related to my childhood.

One of the happiest memories of my childhood was going swimming with my cousins and going to adventurous places with my father. I love all those memories and they will always stay alive in my heart. 

Childhood Memories Essay
Image: Childhood Memories Essay

Essay on Childhood Memories 350 Words

Childhood is one of the most beautiful phases of human life. It is remembered by everyone. Some people might have a bad childhood because of the traumas that happened back in their past when they were too young to face them. However, it is the most important and beautiful thing in our lives.


There is a famous quote stating that “I spent my whole childhood wishing I were older and now I’m spending my adulthood wishing I were younger.” — Ricky Schroder. He was wishing to turn back time and go back to his childhood days. It is the period of drastic growth and development. We develop our taste in this period according to our choices.

There is an overall development of our personality and IQ. Our brain shapes itself in a way that we want to become. Growth is essential for living but so is living to the fullest. Childhood is the best time where an individual can enjoy freely and create memories that he will remember forever.


With the growing age, we lose this part of ourselves and remember it just in pieces of memories. Some of the best memories I have of my childhood is when I used to play volleyball with my dad. I miss playing with him so much, the only memory I have of my dad is playing volleyball and cricket with him. I embrace my childhood by missing these little pieces of joy.

I always keep them alive in my heart. Most people have a clear image of their time spent during their childhood. The people remember those times and it gives them warmth and a sense of happiness. In my childhood, I always waited for summer vacation impatiently. I lived to the fullest in those two months.

I used to wake up at 5 am to play cricket with my friends and then I used to fly kites in the afternoon. I never slept at noon. I remember my father gave me Play Station 4 and I used to play with it the whole evening. My family used to take me on an outing for a week or two. I loved the adventures and fun activities with them. 

Essay on Childhood Memories 500 Words

Every person has one or the other stories to tell related to their childhood and it is always warming to them. Childhood is a phase where a person lives freely without thinking of anything, there are no responsibilities and an individual can do whatever he asks for. The child is new to the world, he is curious about every other thing present in the environment.

In childhood, a person is usually fearless because he does not know the meaning of fear and the mind is not developed to sense the right and wrong. This expression of being fearless is so amazing, one can do whatever he wants without thinking of the consequences. This is what childhood looks like. It depicts the simplicity and innocence of an individual.

Some people do not have a very good childhood. There are many reasons which can destroy a person’s childhood. Poor people take their childs at work with them, this is known as child labour. Children are forced to work to earn money at least to eat food. Some children face difficulties at home because of the bad behaviour of their mother and father.

This induces some kind of a disorder known as PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This period is the only time where a person can live without worrying for anything and anyone. Because after this phase passes, a person has to think about his future and study hard accordingly. This does not give time to do all the other activities one used to do in their childhood.

It is the period of drastic growth and development. We develop our taste in this phase of childhood according to our choices. Moreover, there is an overall development of our personality and Intelligence Quotient. Our brain shapes itself in a way that we want to become. Growth is essential for living but so is living to the fullest.

Childhood is the best time where an individual can enjoy freely and create memories that he will remember forever. With the growing age, we lose this part of ourselves and remember it just in pieces of memories and keep those memories close to heart. When a person feels bad or down, a child can heal the person internally without doing anything special. It is a fact that the soul can be healed by a child.

Whenever there is a child at home, the members are pulled together and stay close and happy with the child. There is a famous quote stating that “Children are not only innocent and curious but also optimistic and joyful and essentially happy. They are, in short, everything adults wish they could be.” – Carolyn Haywood. This indeed is true.

Some of the major memories of my childhood are : There was a time when I was a kid and I tried to fix cars with my dad. My dad had a big garage in which many cars came for repairs and maintenance. My dad took me to the garage and I watched him keenly and one day I started fixing the tyre. I love cars and I loved to look at the inner machinery parts of them. I miss this phase of my childhood so much. I wish I could turn back time and bring this back. 


Childhood is one of the most beautiful phases of human life. It is remembered by everyone. Every person has one or the other stories to tell related to their childhood and it is always warming to them. Adults wish to turn back into kids like they were once.

The simplicity and innocence of a kid leave him free of responsibilities and enjoys the present. I hope this article helps you in finding what you were looking for.


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